New Blog Alert!
Read my latest blog post on my thoughts on autoimmunity.
During my own healing journey, I refined my diet, added exercise, got coaching, and attended Reiki sessions, among other changes.
I’m still working on my diet to this day because my body has changed over time. I include as many whole foods as possible, with very little added sugar (I like to add it myself and use either maple syrup or raw honey). I’ve also increased fresh greens (romaine is my favorite) and I start my day with 16 ounces of warm lemon water every morning. Dairy is out, and I go back and forth on grains; I will eat Ezekiel bread because it’s sprouted and there are benefits to sprouted and soaked foods. I also include soaked wild rice. Gluten-free breads concern me because of the amounts of flours and oils, so I usually make it myself but only on occasion.
Emotional freedom coaching helped me to get in touch with several inner children to heal and resolve wounds from when I was very young. Some of the my many physical practices include yoga and Qi Gong, freestyle dance to my favorite music and online exercise classes. I also have created a stretching routine that I do almost every day (!!) and that I must do before any exercise of any kind - warm-ups are not enough! And, once I find the perfect Zumba instructor (I’m very picky), I’ll be back to that! Reiki is one of the many forms of energy healing that I’ve discovered to help my body. A daily Reiki routine includes surrounding myself with an energetic shield of light and I speak into this light to block negative energies and entities that I may encounter during my day. I also have a series of affirmations that I speak into the Universe daily.
As someone who has experienced various autoimmune thyroid symptoms and found ways to help my body to heal, I can coach you into tuning into your own body, to listen to it just as I learned to listen to mine, to hear that quiet inner voice that gives guidance to balance.
During my own healing journey, I refined my diet,
got coaching, and exercised.
Reiki is just peace. My body and soul have healed in ways
that I’m not even aware of because of Reiki.
Emotional freedom coaching helped me to acknowledge
my inner child wounds.
“The natural healing force in each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.”
They can heal by working together.
Before I started emotional integration coaching, I was on thyroid medication and I needed help with my emotions. Now, about three years later, I am off the medication and so much stronger than I’ve ever been in my life. My focus has shifted to extreme self-care, but also to how I can serve humanity in this ever-changing world.
I’ve been led through my journey to finish the Health Coach course at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, become a Reiki Master, and become a certified Emotional Freedom coach. All three of these helped me to heal. I believe they can help you on your own healing journey.