Freedom Coaching can help transform your life!
Do you feel as if you are in a cave with no light anywhere? Your soul knows there is a truth that you need to stand in, yet you are not there and even worse, you don’t know the path. You are feeling isolated, stressed and alone, like life is a bad dream.
I felt this way during a particular time in my life. I was fragile and had no real direction about where to turn and found myself in a void. The best way I can describe it is that it felt as if masks were falling off and I was being exposed to the world before I was ready. In retrospect, it was the beginning of a powerful spiritual journey. I was a student in the IIN (Institute for Integrative Nutrition) Health Coach program and Rev. Cynthia James, who developed the Emotional Integration technique, was one of the instructors.
During several sessions, I met several of my inner children and acknowledged their wounds; and I was assisted in helping to release old patterns and integrate new ways of seeing myself and the world. It is also a very sacred process when you get in touch with parts of yourself that have been hidden or just not paid attention to. It was a form of self-discovery that I did not know existed and helped me to transform at a deeper level. It is a type of mind-body work that helped me tremendously and still does to this very day.
I am convinced that the mind-body connection is an important one that needs to be considered in the autoimmune healing process. It has been a huge benefit to me as I have cleared negative mental patterns and incorporated positive, transforming thoughts about myself my body, learning to love myself on a much deeper level.
In a fascinating book titled “When the Body Says No,” by Gabor Maté, M.D., he states “[c]haracteristic of many persons with rheumatoid diseases is a stoicism carried to an extreme degree, a deeply ingrained reticence about seeking help. People often put up silently with agonizing discomfort, or will not voice their complaints loudly enough to be heard, or will resist the idea of taking . . . medications. . . . [Client’s] rigid belief that she could get through everything by herself was a coping mechanism, a compensation for emotional needs ignored in childhood.”
Even though my primary diagnosis was Hashimoto’s, my bloodwork at one point was borderline for RA. I had no symptoms, of course, but I found it interesting what Dr. Maté said in his book since I felt as if I had very little emotional support as a child. I do not blame my parents – they did the best they could and we had many, many good times. But they were dealing with their own problems and with four daughters, may have found it difficult to meet all of our varied emotional needs. Because of that, I felt as if I had to handle things on my own and held in my emotions. I am still a work in progress to this very day. There are many, many other parts of the book that discuss autoimmunity, emotions and the nervous system – too numerous to mention here – but there appears to be a definite link between them. How we think really does affect how our bodies function. As Dr. Maté says in another portion of the book “[o]ur immune system does not exist in isolation from daily experience.”
In another book “Heal Your Body” by Louise Hay, in working with her clients she created a list of illnesses with probable mental causes. For goiter, she lists the probable case as “Hatred for being inflicted upon. Victim. Feeling Thwarted in life. Unfulfilled.” You have to decide for yourself if her probable causes are true for you, but I find it interesting that her clients were able to heal once she pinpointed underlying mental causes and provided “New Thought Patterns” for them to incorporate in their lives.
I personally was so impressed with Freedom Coaching that I am now a coach myself. And if you are feeling as if you need to go deeper into self-knowledge and change outdated mental patterns, then allow me to be your guide. I will hold sacred space as you meet parts of yourself that you did not know existed, and I will assist as you process deep emotions. Allow me to help you out of the cave and into YOUR light!
Freedom Coaching
Freedom coaching is a method developed by Rev. Cynthia James, a Transformation Specialist. It incorporates working with the mind body connection to assist clients in freeing themselves from old wounds and emotional traumas, and transforming into new ways of thinking and being. Coaching is held in a safe and loving environment via Zoom or phone. Sessions are 60 minutes. Freedom Coach bio here
Fee - 60 Minutes: $125
Fee: 3 sessions paid in advance: $350
Benefits of Freedom Coaching
In a safe and sacred space, this technique will help you to free yourself and propel your life forward.
Become tuned in to your Inner Child and connect with childhood wounds.
Make deep changes by acknowledging wounds and creating new stories.
Achieve personal growth goals.
Discover patterns in that aren’t self-serving.